10 yoga positions that will help you gain flexibility and improve your posture

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana, or upside-down dog posture

This position is generally a transition or break posture and allows you to focus on the flexibility of the hamstrings, calves, Achilles tendons, ligaments, and shoulders. Since this is a version of the dog posture, you must begin with placing yourself on four service points (knees and hands on the mat), ensuring that your knees are at the same level as the hips.

Begin with inhaling, stretching your legs to raise them, and exhaling to boost your hips as large as possible. Your legs, backbone, and arms ought to be tight. Hold the posture for at least 20 minutes and perform numerous deep breaths. To come back to the beginning place, tighten and lightly bring your knees into the floor.