Find out which postures can help tone the body and relieve tension.
During pregnancy, physical activity is mandatory: movement is vital for mom and baby in her belly. Being pregnant, I practiced yoga until the last day, and with the birth of my daughter, I switched to joint classes.
Yoga prepares the muscles for childbirth, teaches you to consciously strain and relax them, relieves stress, creates an optimal hormonal background, and gives a charge of positive emotions. This is especially important during pregnancy because a woman is responsible not only for herself but also for her child.
Viparita Karani at the wall. Opens the chest, relieves mild back pain, calms the nervous system. Helps relieve fatigue, cramps, and prevents varicose veins.
Place the roller along the wall about 10-15 cm from the baseboard. Behind the roller is a folded blanket.
Sit on the roller sideways against the wall with your thigh touching the wall.
Expand the body, leaning on your hands. Lift one leg up against the wall. Press your buttocks against the wall and lift your other leg.
Once both feet are on top, gently lower your torso and place your shoulders and head on the floor. The back of the legs and buttocks should be in contact with the wall. Open your chest.
Place your hands behind your head, relax. Hold the pose for 5-6 minutes, then lower your legs.

Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose). Stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic region. Reduces back pain. Strengthens the bladder and helps in problems with the urinary system. Relieves labor pain.
- In a sitting position, connect your feet, spread your knees to the sides. Take your toes with your hands.
- Inhale and lower your hips to the floor, and reach up with the top of your head. Lower your shoulders and pull back, push your chest forward. Press your knees into the floor, opening your hips.
- Continue to open your chest and keep your back straight. Exhale and gently push your body forward.
- Spread your knees apart as much as your internal ligaments and your own stretch of the thigh muscles allow.

Malasana (Garland Pose). Improves elasticity and mobility of the femoral ligaments, effectively relieves pain from the sacral area during pregnancy and childbirth. Recommended to be performed during childbirth. Promotes the baby’s position for childbirth. During the second and third trimester, practice the position only after consulting a doctor. Avoid pressure on your stomach.
- Place your feet at a distance of 50 cm. Spread your toes apart, and place your feet shoulder-width apart or wider so that your stomach fits freely between your knees.
- Place your weight on your heels and squat slowly. Bring the body up slightly, feeling the back lengthen.
- Fold your palms in front of your chest and slightly push your knees apart with your elbows. Hold this position for about 30 seconds. Make sure that your heels rest on the floor.
- Breathe calmly. As you inhale, release your pelvic floor muscles, and as you exhale, pull them up.

Marjariasana / Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose) . Relieves back discomfort, helps to increase the space between the vertebrae Can be performed even during childbirth
- Get down on all fours to a table position with your palms under your shoulders, knees hip-width apart.
- We take a breath, raise our head, and look at the ceiling, arching our back as much as possible.
- Exhale and round your back, tucking your tailbone and lowering your head down, trying to see your navel.
- We repeat several times, bending the back while inhaling while exhaling, rounding, and lowering the head.
- After completing the cat/cow ligament, rest in the baby’s pose.

Balasana (Child pose). Gently stretch the lower back, thighs, lower legs, and ankles. Massages and tones the internal organs. Improves digestion and removes toxins. Calms the nervous system, relieves fatigue.
- Sit on your knees and lower your head to the floor in front of you.
- Place your palms where it is convenient for you: stretch forward next to your head or stretch along your torso to your knees.
- Relax, breathe, and open your heart to peace and quiet.
- Stay in this position for 30 seconds to 5 minutes.