Many people think that only vigorous exercise or running is good for the body. However, doctors think differently: regular walking has a beneficial effect on both the physical and psychological health of a person. Those who devote at least an hour a day to walking, over time begin to notice at least 7 positive changes in their well-being.

Sleep is getting stronger

Prolonged exposure to fresh air helps to normalize sleep. At the same time, it equally helps both people suffering from insomnia and those who are constantly half asleep and get tired quickly.

The morning exercise invigorates and gives energy for the whole day ahead, and the evening exercise soothes, relaxes, and tune in to sleep. Thanks to this, a person gradually gets used to the correct daily routine, and his biorhythms are normalized. Therefore, those who regularly walk on foot are provided with sound sleep and an easy awakening in the morning.

Improves mood

Numerous studies have proven that walking is a great way to get rid of negative thoughts and improve your mood. The fact is that walking provokes the production of endorphins – hormones of happiness and pleasure. That is why, even after 15 minutes of exercise, a person feels less depressed. If you spend at least an hour a day in the fresh air, the state of the nervous system will gradually improve.

Unhurried walks in nature, far from the bustle of the city, have a particularly beneficial effect on the emotional state. Silent contemplation of the surrounding world immerses the brain in a state of meditation. The person relaxes and lets go of the negative accumulated during the day.

Recovery from illness is faster

According to scientists, walking helps to recover faster from past illnesses. Doctors advise starting with 15-minute walks twice a day and then gradually increasing the duration of the exercise to 30 minutes. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to walk for hours on end: the body has not yet matured, and this is more likely to harm than benefit.

In addition, daily exposure to fresh air strengthens health and increases the body’s resistance to various diseases. Thus, according to a study by the University of Virginia, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in half.

Reduces weight

Like any regular physical activity, walking helps in the fight against extra pounds. However, unlike strength training in the gym or CrossFit, walking has no contraindications for age and is safe for your health.

It should be understood that a measured promenade will not contribute to fat burning. The pace should be such that you cover a distance of 1 km in 10-12 minutes. To lose weight, physiologists recommend taking at least 16,000 steps daily. It will be easier to count them using a fitness bracelet or special applications on your smartphone, of which there are a lot in Google Play and the App Store. If you don’t want to keep track of the number of steps, doctors advise taking at least an hour for a walk. Compliance with these recommendations will provide an easy loss of 2-3 kg in just a month.

Life expectancy increases

Scientists from Harvard have found that regular walking can prolong life. High physical activity reduces the risk of premature death by 20-30%. Therefore, people who like long walks live longer than those who prefer to sit in front of the TV in their free time. This is because walking reduces the risk of many serious diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, which are one of the leading causes of death in people around the world.

Reduces muscle pain after exercise

Soreness in the body after training is normal, especially for beginners. Discomfort occurs due to the fact that during exercises with an unusual load, muscle fibers are damaged, due to which their further growth occurs.

Walking will help reduce pain and speed up tissue repair: it normalizes blood circulation and relieves swelling. Walking after exercise is enough to relieve the muscle soreness.

Less back pain

As we walk, we straighten our back willy-nilly. Thanks to this, the internal organs take the correct position, and the tissues of the spine and joints are strengthened. Moreover, the gentle swaying that occurs with each step creates the effect of a light massage. Therefore, long walks can reduce back pain.

To enhance the positive effect, while walking, try to take your shoulders back as much as possible, and then down, stretching the spine.