To tone your buttocks and give them an appetizing shape, you do not have to exhaust yourself with hours of workouts in the gym. You can pump up your gluteal muscles right in the kitchen while preparing breakfast. This will require 15-20 minutes of free time and the simplest kitchen “tools”.
Inventory: saucepan
Take a saucepan in your hands and put your feet shoulder-width apart. Create resistance to the sides with your feet: they will also be involved in the exercise. Focus on them.

Pull your pelvis back while maintaining resistance between your feet. Place the pot in front of you on the table and return to the starting position. On the next count, take your pelvis back again, reach for the pan with your hands and stand up.

Do 3 circles of 30 exercises.
Exercise 2
Inventory: bottle cork or other light object
Stand straight with your right leg back, barely touching the floor with your thumb. The left leg is the support leg: bend it slightly at the knee. Place your left hand on your belt, and take a bottle cork or other light object in your right hand.

Lean forward, trying to place the cork on the floor with your right hand. In the final position, do not bring the object to the floor by 1-1.5 cm, straighten up and return to the starting position. Since deep bends can be unusual for your muscles or lead to high blood pressure, be guided by your own feelings. Adjust the tilt amplitude based on your own well-being.

Thus, pump each buttock, doing the exercise 20-30 times from each leg. Repeat 3 laps.
Exercise # 3
Inventory: kitchen countertop
Place your elbows on the work surface, pull your pelvis back. The loin is in a neutral position. Take your leg to the side and return it to its starting position. Take 30 seconds on each side, then change your leg.

Focus on sensations in the gluteus muscles. Try to reach the maximum load.

Exercise 4
Inventory: rolling pin
Take a rolling pin and place it on the floor. Put your left foot on it and roll it from the toes to the heels. Don’t overdo it with pressure: focus on 5 out of 10 points. The impact should be pleasant and relaxing, without pain. Roll each foot for 2 minutes.
How does this exercise help build your glutes? In the human body, there are fascia – connective tissue membranes that cover nerves, blood vessels, internal organs. Imagine a tangerine: the pulp is the muscle and the crust is the fascia. They pass inside the entire system, and you also need to work with them.
The rolling of the feet helps in this. During the exercise, the fascia becomes elastic. The feet and gluteus muscles are tightly connected. Do you want to have firm, beautiful buttocks? Then don’t neglect your feet!
Simple kitchen utensils in skilled hands can turn into real sports equipment. One has only to show imagination and not postpone classes until “next Monday.” There will simply be no reason for this because everything you need for exercise is already there.