Dumbledore and the Chocolate Eye
Professor Dumbledore could easily use his photographs of chocolate frogs as a colossal network of informants. After all, portraits, moving from one place to another, are capable of supplying him with almost any information. That is why the professor is aware of everything that happens to schoolchildren and not only to them. In “Order of the Phoenix”, the professor even openly declares to the wizard court that he does not mind his exclusion, as long as he is not removed from the chocolate cards.

Minerva rose in Quidditch
Deputy Headmistress of the School of Witchcraft, Minerva McGonagall, most likely secretly made money by betting on the school’s Quidditch competitions. This is where her enormous attention to team selection and partly secret, partly open desire to provide the team with the most modern equipment, primarily brooms, comes from.

Ron is a true prophet
The mere fact that Ron Weasley plays phenomenally well at chess should raise alarm bells: a similar trait is inherent in those who easily calculate the future, running through an infinite number of possible and impossible options in their minds. His casually thrown, random comments and interpretations of dreams suddenly came true. Ron himself did not think about this, so we have before us an example of a latent predictor, and a powerful one at that.

Professor Snape has all the hallmarks of a vampire
On the pages of the book, due to his appearance and habits, he is often compared to a bat. Severus has a whole set of qualities that make him similar to vampires, and casts bleeding magic. And since he was a half-breed vampire, then his hatred of mudbloods and himself is logical. Finally, when Lupine gave his students homework on vampires, Snape responded with homework on werewolves – an incredibly suspicious synchronicity. Most likely, the writer was going to reveal his vampire essence closer to the end of the work, but changed her mind halfway through. This omission has been corrected in a number of fanfictions.

Hagrid grew up as a great wizard, but he was thwarted by both enemies and friends.
Both in the book and in the film it is clearly visible: Hagrid is quite capable of casting competent magic, despite the fact that he was unable to receive a magical education. Controlling dangerous animals is also suspiciously easy for him. Most likely, Hagrid is a magician with colossal potential, Riddle discovered this in time and decided to substitute a competitor, especially since Hagrid has the blood of giants flowing in his veins, and this gives him high resistance to enemy spells. Dumbledore also saw this and therefore decided to actually lock Hagrid within the walls of Hogwarts, supposedly out of the best patronage intentions. He controls Hagrid in his signature manipulative manner.

Longbottom – the main character of the epic
J.K. Rowling repeatedly and persistently hints that the absurd and absent-minded Neville Longbottom is not as simple as he seems. The key point is the prophecy of Sibyl Trelawney about a boy born at the end of the seventh month, who is destined to stop the evil Voldemort. Two candidates fit this description: Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom.
Dumbledore and Voldemort concentrated on the fate of Potter, however, if you carefully follow the events, it becomes clear that Longbottom played an important role in the overthrow of the villain, challenging the darkness amid ridicule in the final battle at the walls of Hogwarts with the sword of Gryffindor in his hands.