In order to lose weight quickly, just do these 6 simple exercises every day. All you need is to fix the body in a certain position. Just a few minutes a day – your belly will tighten instantly! Doing them regularly, you yourself will be surprised how the belly will decrease, the feeling of heaviness will disappear and the digestive system will improve. You will be slim. Start exercising at home.
Extra pounds are not always the result of overeating or a sedentary lifestyle. It happens that fat on the waist accumulates due to improper functioning of the digestive system, there is heaviness, fatigue, constantly tends to sleep … How can this problem be solved?
We offer you 6 simple exercises, which will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Do them daily – vigor will appear, and the overall well-being will be amazing! Don’t believe me? Then try it yourself!
1. Twisting
- Sit on the floor with straight legs extended forward. Bend your right knee, twist and fix it with your left hand.
- Turn slowly to the right to the extreme possible point, hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat with the left knee.

2. Smooth squat
- Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms up and keep them straight above your head.
- Sit down smoothly in the air, as if you are about to sit on a chair.
- Hold in this position for 1 minute, breathe slowly, make sure that your shoulders are straightened.

3. Knees to chest
- Lie on your back and relax. Take a deep breath and bring your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them.
- Slightly lift the tailbone up and stay in this tense position for 1 minute.
- Make sure your breathing is even.

4. Lunges
- Take a big step forward with your right foot, keeping your left as straight as possible. Place your arms behind your back and straighten, slightly tilt your back back. Hold this position for a while and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
- For each leg, you need to do 5 repetitions of this pose.
- Take your time, breathe deeply, try to keep your balance, and you will succeed!

5. Bridge
- Lie on your back, bend your knees and rest your feet well on the floor. Raise your hips, keeping your arms outstretched on the floor and clenched into a lock.
- Freeze in this position for 1 minute, remembering to breathe deeply, deeply.

6. Legs up
- Lie on the floor, raise your legs up. Keep them level, lean on your back and hands on the floor, palms down.
- Hold this position for 1 minute, watch your breathing.

These simple exercises can do wonders for the internal organs of your digestive system! Food will be easier to digest, you will forget about the heaviness in the stomach. The abdominal muscles will get stronger, flabbiness will disappear. These reasons are more than enough to get you started right now!