In small towns with a population of 50-100 thousand people, the competition is relatively small and it is easier to open a business there than in megacities. But on the other hand, the market capacity in such cities is also small. Therefore, in order to open a small business for start-up entrepreneurs, they will have to consider more than one business idea.
It must be said that there is no universal concept for building a successful enterprise. Many aspiring entrepreneurs would like to open their own business with minimal investment, while having a 100 percent guarantee of success, which, unfortunately, is unrealistic. And yet, many enterprises that exist in small towns have been successfully operating for years.
What do you need to know a budding entrepreneur in a small town? Firstly, to assess the deficit of certain services, and secondly, the level of income of the population. As well as local features, the willingness of people to pay for a particular service. The main condition for the success of a small business for beginners is the choice of the most demanded niche with minimal competition.
Small business for beginners in a small town has many advantages that are not found in big cities:
- low competition compared to metropolitan areas;
- low advertising fees;
- low rent;
- “word of mouth”.
But in any case, you should think more than once and decide: how much you are willing to invest in a new business. The business ideas that we recommend are businesses with minimal investment. If you can put together a good business plan and are willing to work hard, such ventures are doomed to success.
How to open your own business – kindergarten at home
In 2017, the demand for kindergartens remains relevant. In small towns where there are not so many kindergartens, it is often necessary to stand in line to get a place in a municipal institution. In addition, if you have a fairly spacious apartment, it will be a business with minimal investment.
You will need to provide for the children
- sleeping places (beds, folding beds);
- toys, books, educational aids;
- hot lunches.

A big plus is that a license is not needed to open such a kindergarten. All you need is a certificate of IP and a medical book. This home-based business for beginners will allow you to recruit groups of three to five people. Looking after so many children is easier than looking after large groups.
As for payment, it is necessary to proceed from the income level of the population. For small towns, a fee will be relevant, for example, 5-7 thousand rubles per child.
How to start your own business from scratch – home bakery
No less relevant today is such a home business for beginners as a home bakery. If you have a spacious enough kitchen, you can start working on it. To open your own business, in addition to the IP certificate, you will need:
- a document establishing the right to own the premises (contract of sale or lease);
- sanitary passport and conclusion of the SES;
- medical books from the staff involved in baking;
- fire safety opinion.

The easiest way to start is with self-implementation. And since the competition in this niche is quite high even in small towns, you should think about making, say, muffins and cakes that your competitors do not have or products of much higher quality.
Customers will be happy to buy baked goods made from high-quality flour with real milk and eggs, despite the higher price (30-50 percent higher). In this case, the company can pay off in 6-7 months.
How to start your own balloon decorating business
Even in the smallest city, it is required to decorate the premises for celebrations and corporate parties. And the decoration of celebrations with balloons is one of the best business ideas from scratch for beginners with minimal investment. In addition, this is a great opportunity for creative people to express themselves.

In order to get started, you need:
- a large assortment of ribbons;
- helium cylinders;
- Balloons;
- fast inflation devices.
Of course, you will also need to invest in advertising. But at the same time, you will have a free schedule, and most likely, you will have to work only on weekends. And the price for the service in the amount of 3 to 5 thousand will be quite acceptable for residents of a small town. Over time, it will be possible to travel to neighboring cities and the countryside.
How to start your own business in a small town – hairdresser at home
Real home business for beginners is the provision of services by a hairdresser, cosmetologist, or manicurist. It is best to start it if you already have experience in the salon and clients who were satisfied with your work. It is quite possible to invite them to the house.

Such a business requires certain costs. Therefore, before you open it, you need not only to assess whether you can create sufficiently comfortable conditions for customers at home but also to purchase tools and cosmetics. If you are a good master and confident enough in yourself, then the prices can be made a little higher than in the salon.
Perhaps your earnings for the beginning will not be too big, but in the future, even in small towns, it can be up to 30-40 thousand per month.
How to Start a Home Renovation and Housekeeping Business
Today, housekeeping assistance is needed more than ever. Among the business ideas from scratch for beginners in a small town, this is the simplest and at the same time the most “free”, since it does not require exactly any investments. It suits both men and women.
Men can repair furniture, plumbing, household equipment, lay tiles or change pipes. All you need is a tool, which, as a rule, every good owner has. Women can look after the children, buy groceries, and do the cleaning.

Leading such a business, you can earn from 1000 to 5000 rubles a day. All you need to do is place an ad on the website or in the local newspaper. If the price for your services is acceptable, the demand for it will only grow in the coming years.
How to start your own vegetable growing business from scratch
Before starting a business in this industry, it is better to enlist the support of acquaintances who work in stores or catering outlets, so the sale will go faster. But you can sell products yourself. It is profitable to grow dill, parsley, cucumbers, and radishes. They will take less cost and effort, and the income will be quite high. For example, two spring harvests of radishes from several beds give 10 thousand rubles of net profit.
To run this business you will need:
- seeds or seedlings;
- greenhouse installation materials
- fertilizers.

Investments will range from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.
Growing vegetables is the most profitable business for beginners. For such a business, it is better to have a summer cottage, but you can grow greens in a garage or on a balcony. Moreover, the second two options are quite suitable for the winter period, if the garage or balcony is pre-insulated. This, of course, will require additional investments, but with a reasonable approach, they will quickly pay off.
Ideas for business in a small town – atelier at home
Providing repair and tailoring services can bring good profits. It will require a small start-up capital, and it will quickly pay off, thanks to the demand for services in the market. Taking into account the demand of the population, it is possible not only to sew new things, but also to turn over and alter old ones.

When organizing a home studio, there is no need to rent premises or issue any permits. Sufficient skills in cutting and sewing and the desire to work in this area. To begin with, it is better to advertise, and over time, customers themselves can distribute information about the studio among their acquaintances. If the services are of high quality and relatively inexpensive, there will soon be no shortage of clients.
Ideas for business – renting out apartments
Such business projects for beginners are relevant in small towns no less than in large ones, since there will always be people who need housing. But this way of earning is suitable if you have an empty apartment. The apartment can be rented out in two ways: either for a long time, or by the day.
Renting for a long time does not require much effort or large investments. The only thing that is required of you is to place an ad on the sites and demonstrate housing to potential customers. Monthly earnings in this case will be from 5 to 10,000 rubles. But subject to finding conscientious tenants, it will be quite stable.

In order to rent housing by the day, you need to put the apartment in order, perhaps make a decent repair, which will cost at least 300 thousand rubles, and purchase the necessary equipment, bed linen, and dishes. But the monthly income from such an enterprise in a small town ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles per day.
If you do not have time to search and place clients yourself, you can conclude an agreement with a real estate agency, but, in this case, you will have to share the proceeds, which will be 10 percent of the transaction.
Small Town Business Ideas – Breeding and Selling Animals
For those who live in their own house or in the country, such a business idea from scratch for beginners as breeding and selling animals will be interesting. Of course, you can also deal with animals in an apartment, but, unfortunately, often this type of business can cause dissatisfaction with the neighbors, unless you are raising fish. The most profitable business for beginners is breeding purebred dogs. One thoroughbred puppy will cost 25-30 thousand rubles.

Also worth considering:
- the cost of additional food and vitamins;
- medical support for childbirth and the postpartum period;
- veterinarian’s fee
- feeding puppies;
- vaccinations;
- paperwork for litter.
Your investment to start will be much more than other home-based businesses for beginners. But for one puppy with a good exterior and pedigree, you can get up to 60 thousand rubles. In addition, you can start breeding rabbits, chinchillas, and chickens, but getting down to business in any case, you need to study well all the underwater reefs of such an enterprise.
How to Start Your Artificial Flower Making Business from Scratch
A still relevant and very profitable business is the manufacture of artificial flowers. In order to start doing this type of activity, you do not need to rent a room, you only need to buy tools and materials for the production of artificial flowers:
- bulbs – a metal rod with a wooden handle, on which steel balls are mounted;
- pillows on which the petals are processed with bulbs;
- directly the material itself from which you will make flowers;
- wire of different sections;
- glue or paste;
- awl, scissors.

All your production will take up a small room. It is worth remembering that you should not rush and fuss, about making another masterpiece. Creating artificial flowers is a creative business and requires love and imagination.
Depending on your skill and skill, you can earn 15-30 thousand rubles a month. And over time, if you want to expand production, income can increase significantly.
Each of the proposed types of business is good in its own way but also has its negative sides. Therefore, before choosing a business idea, think carefully about which one is closer to you and what is more interesting for you to do. The right choice will bring 50% success.