It is never too late to get back in shape. And what could be better than starting out with...
Author - mehdi
9 easy ways to wake up with a flat stomach
The key to success when we want to reach the ideal weight is to be able to see the results of the...
This 15-minute daily routine will help you get rid of back pain...
Back pain is the disease of the century with around 90% of adults experiencing it at some...
10 yoga positions that will help you gain flexibility and...
As time passes, the human body loses its versatility, particularly when one leads a sedentary life...
When you eat eggs every day, this is what happens to your body
Being one of the most varied foods on Earth, eggs are a great addition to any diet. Not only will...
Why do feet “grow” with age and how to fix them?
You put your shoes away and you find a pair of boots that you haven’t worn for two years...